Saturday 1 October 2016

Software  Development is the process of these terms: Programming, Documenting, Testing, Bug fixing terms are involved in creating and maintaining application software products.

Software Development Life Cycle :
A software development  process or life cycle is a structure imposed on the development of a software product.
Software development Life Cycle includes this steps:
1: Communication
2: Requirement Gathering
3: Feasibility Study
4: System Analysis
5: Software Design
6: Coding
7: Testing
8: Integration
9: Implementation
10: Operations & Maintenance
11: Disposition

Custom software development applications are develop for the specific user or specific  organization.
Customized software develop for the specific work for specific company or organization.

Maintenance services for software :
Maintenance of the software is very important phase because in nowadays every day innovate different types of services. And for the update the services of our software we have to maintain the software.
These are some maintenance services:
Make improve in software
Improve design of the website
Troubleshooting of functionality problem in software
Maintain updates of the website
Availability of the adding the pages in website
Update new and blogs.   
For more details.........

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